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What We Do

We provide quality basic education to empower women and girls in the less privileged areas of Lagos State. Our foundation equips women and girls with the knowledge and skills necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle,  protect themselves from HIV/AIDS and other STDs, and to take an active role in the community's social and economic development. We work to increase their self-esteem and self-value through education. 

Educated women and girls are more likely to have fewer children, be more informed about their health as well as appropriate child rearing, maternal, and contraceptive practices. They are also more likely to ensure that their children (male and female) start school on time and are ready to learn.


A life without education is a life of missed opportunities. The women in the foundation get a second chance at literacy, and a chance to reshape their lives socially and economically. 


We hope to open up more centers in the underserved portions of Lagos State and subsequently in other parts of Nigeria.



Our Mission

We believe the following things:


1. Education is a fundamental human right that every individual should have access to.


2. Women and girls are of immeasurable worth, period.


3. Educating women and girls is critical to the economic and social development and improvement of a community. 


4. When women are given the knowledge and information they need to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives, they thrive AND they pass this information on to their children. 


At the Alicemay Hope, we lay foundation for growth, transformation, innovation, opportunity and equality. We work to ensure that every girl and woman regardless of ethnicity, religion, socio-economic background or circumstances has access to basic education. 


Our goal is to utilize education as a tool of enlightenment and empowerment. We want to help women and girls  

realize their dreams and potentials, and give them the opportunities and skills necessary to achieve a better life. 


We believe that education is the tool out of poverty. By equipping women and girls with education, showing them that they are limitless, and encouraging them to embrace who they are; we hope to help them define their future, and change the world.

Our Mission

We Need Your Support Today!

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